
#1. Space Exploration

Contribute to the advancement of space exploration through the colonization of Mars and the development of space robots that will enable man to become a multi-planetary species.

#2. Software & Artificial Intelligence

Committed to use programming and AI tools to develop high-quality solutions in Aerospace and Defense industry.

#3. Space & Defense in Africa

Contribute to the development of Benin's and Africa's space and industrial defense capabilities.

#4. Inspiration Model

Be a source of motivation and a reference for young people in the STEM and tech fields. Train and inspire thousands of young people in STEM and tech, providing them with the information and skills to realize their dreams.

#5. Agile Engineering

Be a multi-disciplinary agile engineer in aerospace, robotics and software. I am dedicated to exploring and documenting a wide range of eclectic engineering projects, from creative sofwtare development to defense.

#6. Conscious Gouvernance

Be Toughtful strategic decison maker to contribute to both strategic and conscious political governance.

#7. Conscious Entrepreneurship

Empowering tech innovation and economic growth through conscious entrepreneurship, I strive to create impactful solutions that advance aerospace, robotics and defense technology while serving and uplifting communities globally.